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Craft Brain Dump for Monthly Planning

A brain dump is simply writing everything in your head down on paper. I like to do a craft specific brain dump at the end of each month looking forward to the next month.

Here is a list of triggers to get you started jotting down things you want to get to next month.

* WIPs
* SALs
* To finish
* To work on
* To start
* Focus piece (what one thing do I absolutely want to finish this month)
* Gifts to make in the next 3 months
* Gifts to finish this month
* Exchanges
* Smalls
* Christmas ornaments
* Bowl fillers
* Supplies to Purchase
* Supplies to Use Up

I keep a full list of WIPs divided by type (cross-stitch, embroidery, knitting, crochet, quilting, etc.) in my craft bullet journal. I also have a separate page just for SALs where I can keep track of whether I finished that month's stitching or not.

Sometimes there are other pages as well. For instance, I have a page just for Farmgirl's #stitch9challenge where I mark that I've spent at least an hour on each item for each month of the year. My goal is to do at least that much on each of the nine items and I'm probably going to have to do at least a month of what I call "stitch 10 daily" for each.

"Stitch 10 daily" is where I have a goal to focus on one piece by making at least 10 stitches in it every day for a month. Now, any of you stitchers know that it is practically impossible to only make 10 stitches in a piece so I usually end up doing more and even finish the piece that month sometimes.

Can you think of any other craft triggers? How do you plan your craft schedule each month?

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