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Mini Ort Catcher for Travel Kit

I save my orts (thread bits) to put in Christmas ornaments, but they are harder to hold onto when I'm out and about. I knew I wanted a little ort catcher for my travel kit so I cut a square of wool felt with my pinking shears a little smaller than where I wanted it to go.

Next, I cut 2 pieces of fabric and a piece of thin batting a little bigger (maybe 1/2" bigger on each side) than the felt square and sewed them together right sides together leaving a space to turn them right side out. I then sewed around the edge. Also, I sewed around the edge about a 1/2" from the edge all the way around.

I folded the corners together and made a few stitches to hold them together to create a small tray. Lastly, I sewed the felt down to the center of the fabric tray.

Now, I have a cute little thread collector for my travel kit that I can empty out when we get back home and it will keep my orts from spilling out everywhere whenever I open the box!

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Christmas Patterns

 Right click and save each photo so you can print the pattern according to your size choice.  Get ready for Christmas with ornaments or...